“Lets Talk Real Estate!” DOWN PAYMENTS” February 14th, 2024

  • 1 year ago


A down payment is almost always part of the process when purchasing a home.  The higher the down payment; the less risk the buyer is to potential lenders, the ideal down payment is widely considered 20 percent of the home’s purchase price.  However, 20 percent down isn’t suitable for everyone since many buyers cannot afford it,.  It’s important to note that the down payment amount depends on the type of loan being applied for the buyer, as well.  It also depends on whether the property in question is a primary residence, secondary property, or a financial investment.  A knowledgeable real estate agent can help potential buyers calculate their mortgage payments to help them determine the right amount.

Make it easy on yourself when dealing with the many, many decisions that need to be made during any real estate transaction- turn to the professional who have years of experience in the diligently catering to the needs of the buyers and sellers alike.  Whether it’s figuring out the down payment, or finding a mortgage provider, or even choosing a home inspector, we can put you in touch with many professionals in real estate industry in our area that can make your life easier. “OUR SUCCESS HAS BEEN BUILT ONE SATISIFIED CUSTOMER AT A TIME.”

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